Felipe VI congratulates Carlos Alcaraz on his epic first Grand Slam in the US

Sports event of the day at the Palacio de la Zarzuela in Madrid: Felipe VI received this Wednesday September 21 to Carlos Alcaraz, winner of his first Grand Slam at the age of 19. With his brand new triumph at the US Open, the tennis player has become the youngest number 1 in history. The king wanted to congratulate him for his deed personally.

Along with the Murcian were also his fellow winners in the different categories of the US Open 2022: the Madrilenian Martin Landaluce, who at 16 years old won the junior category; and the Vigo Martin of the Bridgewho at 23 was proclaimed champion in wheelchair doubles together with the Frenchman Nicholas Peifer.

This Tuesday the king gave Rafa Nadal the Camino Real awardawarded by the Franklin Institute of the University of Alcalá de Henares in Madrid, for his work as ambassador of the Spain brand.
