Felipe VI celebrates 56 years working: he is approaching two decades of marriage and one of his reign

He King Felipe VI He turns 56 this Tuesday, January 30. The monarch blows out candles on the same day that the noise of the amnesty is growing. This 2024, in addition, brings us two famous anniversaries for the head of state: ten years on the Throne and twenty of his marriage to Doña Letizia. Just a few days ago, Zarzuela announced to us the replacement of his trusted man, Jaime Alfonsin, head of the House. Alfonsín, 67 years old, right-hand man of the monarch, assumed his position a few days after Don Felipe's proclamation, on June 19, 2014. Loyal, calm, serene and always discreet, the Lugo career lawyer gives up his position to Camilo Villarino, incoming boss. The King also faces this year with the change of advisor.

The monarch celebrates his birthday by working. It so happens that today The Plenary Session of Congress plans to debate and vote on the amnesty law proposal that the PSOE registered after reaching an agreement with the independentists of Junts and ERC.

With this powder keg on the political scene, the King He presides over three audiences at the Zarzuela Palace: with representatives of the Governing Board of the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, with the board of directors of the Brazil-Spain Chamber of Commerce and with members of the School of Forestry Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of its creation. Receptions scheduled for this morning, in Madrid, which will allow him to blow out the candles on the cake in the privacy of his house accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Letizia, because his daughters are in their respective classes. Leonor, in her military training in Zaragoza; and Sofía, at her school in Wales (United Kingdom).

The Kings are very in love

This 2024 brings us a dream date: May 22 will mark two decades since the state wedding. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia married in 2004 in Madrid. The connection turned the Asturian journalist into the princess of Asturias. Her adaptation to life in the palace was not easy. The princes of Asturias projected a more current image of the House, renewed. As Kings, they represent the new era of monarchy. In this task of modernizing Zarzuela, there are two pillars: the policy of transparency and good governance (in April 2022, the King made public his assets of 2.5 million euros) and a good marketing and communication campaign. Behind the first pillar is Jaime Alfonsín and behind the marketing is Doña Letizia, the House's great communicator.

As a marriage, the Kings are very in love. They form a cohesive team. In their actions, in every step, every look, every word, they support each other. If one goes ahead of the other it is to serve as support, to extend a hand. They are very united and in love.

Ten years on the Throne

The monarch has been at the head of the State for ten years in a very complex political scenario, with a divided Congress of Deputies, far from the streets and focused on the frontism. We looked at his Christmas speech a month ago and his single-thematic message about the “Constitution and Spain” when he stressed: “Outside of respect for the Constitution there is no democracy or coexistence” and stressed: “Prevent the germ of discord from taking hold “It is a moral duty among us that we all have. Because we cannot afford it.” Don Felipe will celebrate this anniversary on June 19.

With an eye on Leonor: from Zaragoza to Marín

His steps until his arrival to the Throne are marked by the steps of his eldest daughter. We saw it when Leonor entered the General Military Academy of Zaragoza at the age of 17 and when she was sworn in by the Constitution when she came of age. This 2024 we will see that, like his father, he will chain one military service to another. After Zaragoza, he has to go to Marín. At the Naval School in the Pontevedra town, the princess will begin her second year and will embark on the Juan Sebastián Elcano Training Ship. In the Navy, the daughter of the Kings joins as a Midshipman. The same path her father took at her age. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia, as always, will act as guides. They are your lighthouse. Both for the heiress and for her sister.

Following the script prepared for the Princess of Asturias regarding her military training, it is likely that for the first time she will attend with the Kings the traditional Armed Forces Day, which will be celebrated in Oviedo on June 1 of this year. It is probable for two reasons: because of the military condition of Leonor de Borbón's lady cadet, she is about to complete her training at La General, and because it is held in the Principality of Asturias.
