Felipe VI and Letizia, trip to Menorca: inaugurate the historic Llabrés pharmacy, legacy of a Menorcan businessman

The Kings head to the island of Menorca this Thursday, January 12. This is a very special event, since it marks the official opening of the Llabrés pharmacy, a building that is a symbol of modernist architecture and historical heritage since 2009. Felipe VI y Joy They received this property as an inheritance by express will of the Menorcan businessman Juan Ignacio Ballad Labrés. Now the old pharmacy, restored, is the headquarters of the Hesperia Foundation for people with disabilities.

The Kings will begin their visit in the morning at the Isla del Rey, in the port of Mahón. It is a colorful protected natural area that houses the military hospital, built in the 18th century, and the remains of the early Christian basilica, dating from the 6th century. In times of British rule, it was known as The Bloody Island.

In the afternoon they will go to Ciutadella. On Carrer Jussep María Quadrado stands the historic Llabrés pharmacy, whose rehabilitation works were completed at the beginning of last year. The building, with wooden doors and stained glass windows, will host workshops and conferences for cultural, social and educational purposes and will be managed by the Hesperia Foundation.

The Kings inherited this property, which belonged to the businessman Balada Llabrés, who died in 2009. As read on the Casa Real website, he named heirs to half of his estate, in equal parts, to the then princes of Asturias and the eight grandchildren of the Kings. He left the princes in charge, with the other 50%, a general interest foundation. Balada provided in his will that, if the heirs renounced the inheritance, it would pass to the State of Israel.

Following the instructions of the businessman, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia founded the Hesperia Foundation on April 23, 2010. That year the Prince and Princess of Asturias publicly announced that the part that could correspond to them in the inheritance of Balada would be used entirely for social purposes. The assets of the foundation amounted, as of December 31, 2014, to the amount of 5,718,246 euros.

The third information point of the visit is located at the Teatre Des Born, in Ciutadella. The inauguration ceremony will take place there, in which Felipe VI is expected to deliver a speech.