The Bourbon and Ortiz Guardian and her 75 colleagues headed to Uruguay aboard Juan Sebastián de Elcano. They left from the port of Salvador de Bahia in Brazil on February 19 and have planned their arrival in Montevideo on March 5. It will be 15 days of journey by bordering the Atlantic coast until you reach the Uruguayan capital. There is the circumstance that the next 1 of the same month, Felipe VI will attend the investiture of the elected president, Yamandú Orsí. For three days, father and daughter will not coincide in Uruguay, as progress The debate.
Chance has made the king and his heiress daughter, Leonor, have coincided on dates and destination. However, the monarch agenda forces him to return to Spain that same weekend, the first of the month. Therefore, the monarch and the princess of Asturias will not have the opportunity to look in Uruguay.
The ceremonies of the Tomas of Possession of the Presidents in Latin America are usually held on the weekend. Don Felipe accumulates a long trajectory of investiture ceremonies since in 1996 he attended that of Álvaro Arzu as president of Guatemala. It was then, at 27, when the Prince of Asturias represented Spain for the first time in this type of acts. All probability, Leonor will assume this responsibility when his time comes.
From Uruguay, to Chile
Felipe VI’s daughter and Letizia has left Brazilian lands and navigate aboard 97 instruction cruise. They travel with future officers with an endowment formed by 20 officers, 20 non -commissioned officers, 130 military of the sailor and troop scale and two civil masters. In command, the ship’s captain Luís Carreras-Pressas do Campo. In Montevideo the historic schooner is tied in port until March 9. It will be four days. Then, it will Zapar for Punta Arenas, Chile, third international scale of the cruise, where it will arrive on the 20th of the same month.
The mission of the ship is to contribute to the integral formation of the GUARDIAMARINAS and, in addition, it acts as an embassy of Spain at sea. This capacity of the ship to act as a “embassy” makes visible the relations of Spain with the countries it visits. In 2018 Elcano received recognition as “best ambassador to Spain in the world” by the Academy of Diplomacy of the Kingdom of Spain.