Fayna points out to Interior, Justice and Equality: “Why do they tell us women who suffer mistreatment that we are protected?”

“I am not protected.” are the powerful words of Fayna Bethencourt to the three ministries questioned, given the horror that her ex and father of her children, Carlos Navarro el Yoyas, is unaccounted for, despite having been sentenced to five years and eight months in prison for seven crimes of mistreatment . Even more so, that the former Big Brother has given a new interview to the Stenographer and has dropped: “Maybe I’m not in that fucking country.”

The outraged Canarian woman demands justice, “to the law, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Equality, to listen to me. In this country, a fugitive criminal is given a voice. And nobody does anything against the journalists who communicate with him I am a person who asks for help. He continues to mistreat me from a distance.”

He assures that Carlos, with his words, portrays himself again: “What he has to do is turn himself in. He was a coward to mistreat me and he is cowardly not to turn himself in. He has no value as a person or as a human being. This person has mistreated me and is still hiding “.