Fayna Bethencourt knows where ‘El Yoyas’ is: “He is a bug throwing poison from his hiding place and laughing at everyone”

The former big sister has returned to show her face this Monday to denounce, once again, that her ex-husband, father of her children and abuser convicted in the Supreme Court has been missing from justice since last November 14. Carlos Navarro ‘El Yoyas’sentenced to 5 years and 8 months in prison for various crimes of assault and threats, did not appear in court on the day scheduled to serve his sentence and has been in search and capture since then: “We know where he is, the area, the urbanization … But the police can’t do anything,” says Fayna Bethencourt.

Also read – Fayna Bethencourt uncovers the vexatious audios of El Yoyas against her: “I grabbed her by the fucking neck”

And it is that, despite the fact that friends and family know of his whereabouts, the police would need a search warrant to be able to enter the specific house where he is staying: “What message are we giving with all this to the woman who is Are you thinking of denouncing your abuser? That’s what worries me the most,” Fayna said in Save me this Monday. “He’s hiding in his hole, like a bug, and he’s still spewing poison. He’s not physically abusing me but he’s still terrorizing my house.”

The Canary Islander is outraged: “He is condemned and allows himself the luxury of giving an interview lying like a scoundrel. He is uploading messages that we sent to each other from when we were dating, even of a sexual nature, to social networks. He is laughing at me, at the law and everyone,” he denounces.