Fayna Bethancourt has taken a very important step for her this Wednesday: she has introduced her boyfriend, Misael Montesdeoca, in a magazine of the heart. Both have offered harrowing testimonies about Carlos Navarro El Yoyasconvicted of mistreating the former big sister and a fugitive from justice.
They have been dating for five years. Misael, singer of the melodic Death Metal band, has become a fundamental piece for her over this time, although the Canarian also sends an empowering message: “It’s not that Misael has saved my life, he has helped me to be better and prettier. I saved my life“.

Misael has also become a father to his children, two adolescents (boy and girl) between the ages of 12 and 15: “My children are aware that he is not their biological father, but They understand that love is more important than blood“. So much so that Fayna leaves in the air: “I would not be surprised if in the future they wanted to change their surnames“.

Fayna only has good words for him: “I told him that I would understand if he did not bear the responsibility of this relationship. But He told me: ‘I’m with you’“.
Read also – The photo of Fayna with her children in full Calvary with the Yoyas: “I stopped believing in God a long time ago”
Misael has also spoken about the ordeal that the former big brother puts them through: “Carlos said that he was going to crack me… If it appears, we’ll see what happens. I’m not afraid “. And he adds:”It didn’t hurt that he threatened me, but it did hurt that he told Fayna’s daughter that he was going to kill me.“.

The victim also talks about how he is today: “I still have sequelae. There are noises that make me shudder, if we speak very loud. It happens to my children too “. And he recalls some episodes he lived with the father of his children:”The fugitive was homophobic and xenophobic. I tried to educate my children in a parallel way when he left. He told them: ‘This is not so.’ It neutralized his comments regarding people of another sexual orientation or another race.”
The burden they continue to carry is enormous: “Carlos’s is a cross that I will always carry with me. When I travel, I do not upload photos to networks in case it occurs“. In this sense, Misael also regrets: “The police told Fayna to sign up for martial arts. And that says who has to protect you?“.
Carlos Navarro El Yoyas is sentenced by final sentence to five years and eight months in prison for various crimes of threats and gender violence. He continues in search and capture after ignoring the request to enter prison last December. From a forest he gave a controversial interview to a national newspaper. Fayna, a few weeks ago, asked the Ombudsman for help: “I ask that you intervene and help me due to the defenseless situation in which I find myself.” Her interview in Chester de Risto Mejide was a whole lesson that should be viewed in high schools.