Farré will give away tattoos and pizzas to the member who signs for his candidacy

Jordi Farré y Muñoz became famous in the Blaugrana orbit for being the promoter of the motion of no confidence that finally led President Josep Maria Bartomeu and the rest of the electoral board to present their resignation. Farré, an extroverted and eccentric guy, presented his candidacy for the next January 24 elections to FC Barcelona in its new electoral headquarters, located on Numancia street, with an initiative as curious as it is surprising: the promise to give a pizza and a tattoo of the Barça crest to the member who shows up to give their support and sign for their candidacy. Farré also promised that the pizzas will be from a famous specialist in the field, such as the world renowned Fabián Martín, and that it will not be just one day, but up to three days of free pizzas for the member.

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Farré, who introduced Josep Triadó, current mayor of Premiá de Mar, as the great cornerstone and economic vice president of his project, already Joan Soler, president of Vilafranca, as head of sports, did not want to argue about his statements in an interview in AS about the collection of signatures during the motion of censure: “I see that people are in pre-campaign and are very nervous. If what I said in As is not true, tell me face. That each one works for their candidacy and that it be a clean campaign, but it seems that it will not be“.

The candidate did not want to comment on the future of Ronald Koeman, “but if Tusquets exceeds the limit we will make a motion of censure, which is why we have a broken hand”, but he did make it very clear that Leo Messi's continuity is guaranteed, “we know what the proposal is to satisfy the player”.

And about Neymar, Farré made it very clear that “your transfer will be very cheap because the investment will be greater than the expenseFinally, he announced a soccer match between the members of his candidacy and the journalists who attended the electoral headquarters.