Fabiola Martínez suffered the hell of harassment and death threats in her youth: “She insulted me and grabbed me by the neck”

Fabiola she is a new woman. Two and a half years ago, in the middle of the pandemic, she separated from Bertin Osborne. Strong, temperamental and with character, Fabiola claims her place on the public scene, beyond being the presenter’s ex. Just a few days ago she reproached him for talking about her new girlfriend, Gabriela Guillén, and slipping that she had “never” been in love with her. The Venezuelan, who has two children with him (Carlos and Kike), couldn’t believe it. “Bertín lost his grip,” she said in an interview with the magazine Lectures. She goes further and drops that during her years of marriage with the artist, the “shadow” of infidelity “was always there.”

The Venezuelan looks back and remembers in the publication dark episodes of youth, such as a past relationship she had with a man addicted to “alcohol and drugs.” She received death threats. “I knew he was capable of doing it. I changed the lock on my house… He insulted me and said he was going to kill me. He didn’t hit me, but he didn’t grab me by the neck.” In those moments of fear, she became strong: “I took my things and ran away at dawn”, she tells the magazine. Fabiola later found out that this man, who had several children with different women, had received a complaint for abuse of one of his daughters. A drama that Fabiola herself could have experienced in her adolescence: “It could have happened to me because there was a person who was obsessed with me.” She continues in the magazine: “I was very thin and very tall. They bothered me a lot and in many situations I had to learn to defend myself.”

“I have always liked bad guys… That’s why I thought Bertín was the balance. A healthy uncle, a good person and a family member. But it didn’t work either.” The words of her ex when she revealed that she had “never” been in love caused Fabiola to stir inside her: “And what do we tell our children, that they are not the fruit of love?”
