Although his trip through American lands has been clouded when he found out about the robbery and destruction of what was his restaurant in Fuengirola, Isabel Pantoja he regains happiness in the successful musical tour of different cities in the United States. A curious anecdote leads us to see the private plane with which the singer travels through those latitudes. We have received a video in which the artist climbs the stairs of the device and, before going inside it, she turns to send an “I love you” to the city of New York. She looks cheerful and happy, eager to continue the tour and undertake new projects in this year that seems to be her “reconciliation” with the world.
The tour organizer, Eduardo Guervos, assures that “Isabel is enjoying these days very much, she feels very loved and gives herself thoroughly in each of the concerts, and she is willing to return to the United States after the summer if the negotiations for her to sing in other American cities”, he explains. “The success obtained in this first tour prompts him to undertake new performances,” she adds.
tucked in by her brother Agustin and his niece AnabelLa Pantoja does not rule out leaving Spain in the future and settling in Miami or Mexico, completely removed from her “Cantora” farm and from the troubles of an existence marked by family conflicts and her debts.
On the other side of the Atlantic, he would not have his grandchildren close, but in exchange for that sacrifice he would find it less difficult to lead a more normal life, which does not mean that his debts with the Treasury, the Loli newsstand or the Sevillian businessman to whom he owes a good amount of money, disappear.
He still owes Loli seventy-six thousand euros, and the old woman despairs because she thinks she will never pay them back. She has tried to get in touch with her former media friend and with Agustín without success.
We’ll see if with what he’s going to earn on the tour he can deal with the debts. First, the most important, the one that he maintains with the Treasury, those five hundred thousand euros that he must pay them before the month of May. Difficult scenario for Isabel, who is confident that she will not lack work, including a possible series of concerts in Spain this coming summer, to revitalize her battered economy. That second foray into the United States is still in the air before the end of the year.