David Alaba will be presented tomorrow at 12:30 pm at the Valdebebas Sports City to join the preseason of the Real Madrid. The Austrian is currently the only incorporation This season and although the signing was made official on May 28, Madrid have not been able to present the player due to his participation in the Eurocup and his respective holidays. The player will start training tomorrow with his new teammates and will be at the command of Carlo Ancelotti, with whom he already met for two seasons in the Bayern Munich.

The ex of Bayern has been working on the physical section this summer together with Matthias blankenburg, a specialist in physical preparation who trains footballers individually. It is his secret to start the preseason physically full to impress Ancelotti. Blankenburg gave an interview to the German newspaper Bild in which he presented his 'report' on Alaba's great physical qualities. “He's a tough guy and he's extremely strong mentally. Everything about him really fits, he's got the perfect build. Compared to other players, it's absolutely on a higher level. “
Statistics of the last four seasons of David Alaba.
BeSoccer Pro
The German specialist also spoke about the importance of the physical preparation of the muscles in footballers, since more and more are encouraged to do so. “There are players who lack stability or who lack robustness. So it makes sense to build a stable muscle structure, mainly to prevent injuries. Another important reason is undoubtedly the evolution of football. The sport has changed and developed to such an extent that there are more and more matches and the speed of the game is higher and higher. Today, footballers have to demand much more from their bodies to be able to withstand these stresses. But they must not exaggerate. “
Finally, he gave as an example Cristiano Ronaldo, who according to the German physical trainer, “began the cult of the body among footballers. Giving you a healthy, good and attractive appearance, so don't just look like a typical soccer player. The cult of the body has come to the fore in recent years, “he said. Blankemburg.