Eugenia Martínez de Irujo and Narcís Rebollo pose in a bikini to celebrate their love

The Duchess of Montoro and her husband are enjoying the wonders of Colombia. Eugenia Martinez de Irujo y Narcís Rebollo They have traveled to the coffee country to attend the wedding of some friends.

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Dancing and waving her skirt happily, the ex of Francis Rivera chose an ideal two-piece set for the event. A ruffled tulle skirt and a brightly colored top with a crossed neckline.

Taking advantage of the heat of the city of Cartagena de Indias, the marriage has enjoyed a day at the beach. Eugenia herself has shared with her Instagram followers, which are more than 300 thousand, a photo of her with her husband in which she declares her love for him while they pose on a tree in a bikini: “Total love “, she wrote.

Almost five years after their secret wedding in Las Vegas disguised as Elvis y Marilyn Monroe, Both are still as in love as the first day. “Narcís brings me a lot, everything. He brings me a lot of laughter and for me a sense of humor is very important; a lot of serenity, because he is a very calm man who never sees problems and that is wonderful; also knowledge of music that I am passionate about; and , above all, a lot of affection, a lot of love”, confessed Eugenia in an interview.