Esther Gonzalez (27 years old, Granada) has the goal glued to his boots. With 21 targets, the Andalusian forward leads the list of top gunners in Primera Iberdrola, in which she shines more and better than ever. The Levante forward, who arrived in the summer of 2019 from Atlético de Madrid, has found her place in Valencia after a dry first year as a Granota scorer. The Huéscar is signing a scoring rhythm at the level of the great world stars, with an average of an average goal every 100 minutes.
To this, other eight goals with the national team. A scoring level that maintains her as one of the benchmark forwards on the national scene, where she pursues the first top scorer in her history. “Do you know who returns with the #PrimeraIberdrola? Right, the PICHICHI”, after this FIFA break published Levante, in which Esther faces a final sprint to achieve her great personal goal. In front, He has a total of nine league games left to finish the job.
In these games, Esther hopes to continue scoring but, above all, enjoying herself. This last feeling comes off his boots every time he jumps in, thus recovering the smile of a footballer who has gone from being a substitute at Atlético to leading Levante in the possible Granota return (The Valencians are second in the standings) to Champions. With those of Pry it was difficult for them to accommodate their punch, with a first season in which despite the minutes (19 games) he failed to see the door.
This situation completely changed in this new season, with an Esther who is armed to get the top scorer with the consequent pulse with Jenni Hermoso, Top scorer in the last two seasons of Primera Iberdrola. The battle for the goal between the two leaves a very beautiful scenario for Spanish football. Goals continue …