Esther Doña threatens to star in a docudrama and alarm bells go off around Judge Pedraz

It is not a short-term project, but it is already starting to cause concern in certain social circles. Esther Dona threatens to record an autobiographical documentary in which he will tell, as he did at the time Rocio Carrascothe most intimate episodes of his life.

Also read: Esther Doña, about the reconciliation of Tamara Falcó and Iñigo Onieva: “She has a dull look”

The one who was the wife of the late Marqués de Griñón and former judge Santiago Pedraz saves in its memory data that could trigger alarms in the magistrate’s environment and in that of the family of Carlos Falco. Because Esther has had a life full of shocks and there are somewhat dark aspects that, if they came to light, would cause great controversy.

In the world of the judiciary, they wonder if Pedraz made his then partner share in summary secrets, and if Doña took good note of all the confidences. And the sons of the marquis, beginning with Tamara FalcoThey fear that the aristocrat’s widow will reveal one hundred percent the disagreements she had with her father, let’s remember that on one occasion everything ended in a police station.

What it seems is that Esther is short of money and needs new avenues of income. It is rumored that a production company has made her an interesting offer to carry out this documentary, and that she is calibrating the possibility of giving the go-ahead in the medium term.