Espanyol recalls its greatness

The blue and white feat. Like Roman gladiators, alive and well, Espanyol players remained euphoric in midfield when Cuadra Fernández signaled the end of the match. They hugged and went to the Grada Canito, where now join the Curva and Juvenile, to return the affection shown in 90 exciting minutes in which Vicente Moreno's team was able to knock down the Real Madrid. It was not one more game no matter how much the coach, as is logical, took away iron from the epic. It was a match that commemorates the greatness of Spanish, which reminds you that it is still one of the best clubs in First, capable of deeds like the one on Sunday.

The new way. With the harsh pandemic in the rearview mirror, like the year in Hell in Segunda, the atmosphere invaded the stadium. Scarves and flags flying, grandparents, parents and girls in the stands waiting for something big. A prestigious victory, the one that the blue and white resisted against him Atlético or Villarreal, which will reinforce the work of a Spanish irregular at home, but solvent in his stadium, where he is finding the best assembly for his staff.

Espanyol Shield / Flag

The ball is the bet. It is not trivial that the best minutes come from a midfield with Darder and Melendo, something natural. Ruby He marked the way three seasons ago, he showed how both players are capable of improving everything that goes through their feet, and Moreno understands the formula. In the middle of the match on the grass, with a Madrid stuck in the bolt parakeet, and a Spanish that little by little he was shirtless, three game actions stood out.

All three photographs. The first showed the way to Espanyol. A pass from Melendo from the right side, a parable that left Pedrosa alone against Courtois, although the side could not control. A pass that was seen so much in past seasons at the Camp Nou with Messi and Alba. The path of Espanyol's goal had to come from finding those spaces that always exist in football, but only a few boots are capable of finding them. From Melendo to Darder. The Mallorcan received a pass as the last man in midfield, from behind, with two Madrid players on top. The logical thing was to play with the goalkeeper, but in Darder there are no trifles. The Mallorcan stopped, faked and turned around. He had generated spaces, he had eliminated rivals … And the ball reached Aleix Vidal, who deepened Embarba and this to the tiger RdT. 1-0.

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RdT with Rodrygo.

A toned defense. The third action could have gone more unnoticed. Cabrera, with a spectacular foreshortening, cleared inside the small area a poisoned center of Modric that found the head of a teammate. He avoided the goal of Madrid. The Uruguayan symbolizes the other part of Espanyol's plan, that of defensive security, clearances in the lateral centers, concentration for 90 minutes. Although when the ball reaches his feet the lights of Espanyol begin to go out, his presence illuminates and leads a defense that maintains its good tone. From Óscar Gil, notable against Vinicius, to Dídac, who ended up as an improvised right-back.

The artist RdT. It was an afternoon to remember, one of those that is retained in memory for a time. Espanyol dancing to the sound of Darder and finishing off with RdT, one of those players who captivates the fans because of his game and way of being. Vicente Moreno, to whom you have to read the nuances, explained it clearly: “When he proposes it, he has no ceiling.” Espanyol's future in LaLiga, and its own roof, will also be marked by its forward, beginning and end of everything as against Madrid: from goal to final ovation.