Escassi, María José Suárez, the trios and a dancer from Anne Igartiburu’s show: cover dance

“Escassi is not willing to forgive Maria Jose Suarez. He feels betrayed and very hurt. There are certain parts of his life that he did not want to be made public.” This is what a person who knows the rider very well tells us. “He believes that he has gotten himself into a big problem and that the person responsible for all this coming to light has been his ex,” they say. “And of course he is not going to sit back. He wants to disappear for a while and try to normalize the matter, but with María José he has many things to clarify.”

Alvaro He never imagined having to go on television to explain everything he said. The image people have of him is that of a playboy, a flirt, a guy who can’t resist any woman. The problem now is that “María José has destroyed that image. Álvaro knows that she was the one who brought all this to light, and he believes that the reason is spite, giving all the information to journalists who are friends of hers. And it was she who said that the jockey had told her that he had slept with men and transsexuals. That has really upset Escassi. He didn’t like at all that this part of his privacy that is so far removed from his public image was known,” our source tells us.

Alvaro and Maria Jose have not spoken since the end of June, when the whole Valeri scandal broke out. Miss tried hard to help him sort everything out quickly, but Álvaro didn’t pay any attention to her and then, seeing that the circumstances were going to drag her down, she decided to “leak it.” “She spoke to all the journalists who called her and told them her version and even gave them evidence: emails, messages, even the supposed payment contract, which now turns out was not made by Escassi but by a friend,” we are assured.

Threesomes with Maria Jose

And this is what the rider will not forgive him for. According to him, they should never have ended up like this, but it is clear that their relationship was not idyllic. This last weekend, in From Friday, One of Escassi’s friends sat down to talk about the intimate encounters she has had with them throughout their relationship, something that worries her a lot. Maria Jose because she fears that the story will be talked about much more and will reach the ears of her family, her mother, her sisters and her son, Elías, the fruit of her relationship with the businessman Jordi Nieto, who is barely six years old.

It was precisely he, the first victim of the Escassi case. In fact, on one of the trips that the rider made to the Dominican Republic, more than three years ago, he met up with María José, who at that time had begun to get bored of Caribbean life. His trips to Madrid and Seville were becoming more frequent and his marriage was beginning to fall apart. But, as Escassi said in his interview in From Friday, He was the trigger for their separation. They lived an idyll there, she separated and they continued together in Spain, until he, initially motivated by his work in MasterChef, He moved from Coria del Río, where they lived together, and returned to Madrid alone. Things began to cool down there and María José began to mistrust him: Álvaro was a free bird without anyone’s control.

We are told that when he participated in the dance program on Spanish Television that he presented Anne Igartiburu, They also had problems. He He started to get along too well with the dancer with whom she worked and María José, tired, showed up on the set. “The bad vibes were palpable in the air. It was very obvious that she didn’t trust him. It’s also true that Alvaro is always willing to do anything.”

What is inexplicable is that María José, knowing Álvaro, has done all this. Now we will have to wait for her next steps because Valeri, for the moment, has not spoken due to legal problems, but who knows if in the next few days some media will decide to give him a platform. The soap opera has only just begun. What we have to see is where to fit the disconcerting and intriguing declaration of Sonia Ferrer in which he assured that it was better not to anger Escassi and much less to have him as an enemy.
