Elton John’s filth that is going around the world

When the owner of Sugarkik, Ryan Sukkaropened his shoe store in Nice (France) did not expect to receive Elton John in his establishment. And much less that he did it so that the singer, supposedly, urinated in a bottle (without aim) because he could not contain his urge. Now, this prank, which happened a few weeks ago, has unleashed some imitators to enter the shoe store to do the same. This is what the workers have told TMZ.

The American media reports that for a few days now some people have been entering the establishment and relieving themselves in the same place where the singer did, in a corner and away from the rest of the customers. One of them urinated in a bottle, while another did the same on the stairs of the place. A very unpleasant trend that, in fact, is causing damage. Sukkar complains that they are staining the walls with urine.

Store staff are “frustrated” by the behaviour of such copycats. For them, it is not only “disgusting” and “rude”, but also exhausting. The owner can only hope that these people “stop soon” and stop causing damage.

Elton John’s visit to Sugarkik took place at the beginning of this JulyAccording to the employees themselves, the artist entered accompanied by his two children and the family’s bodyguard and, unable to hold back the urge to relieve himself, asked for a plastic bottle.

A few minutes later, he looked for a spot empty of customers and tried his luck. However, he stained the floor of the store. According to the store workers, There is a video that captures this momentalthough they assure that it will never come to light.
