The Ray is shaping its preseason little by little. One day after announcing the continuity of Andoni Iraola on the bench, the franjirrojo club did the same this Wednesday with back to work, scheduled for Tuesday 13 at the Ciudad Deportiva. Of course, the Vallecana squad will previously have to pass the relevant medical tests on Monday 12.
The Madrid entity also confirmed the date – but not the time – of his first summer friendly, to be held on Wednesday, August 4 in Zorrilla. Rayo will face Pucela in the XLVII City of Valladolid Trophy. This will not be their only summer duel, far from it. The franjirrojos will face Leganés in preseason, as Txema Indias, the cucumber sports director, pointed out in an interview with As.

“With Rayo and Cobeño the relationship is good. It would be good to play a game against them. And now even more so, that they are from the First Division. Although, if they hadn't been promoted, it would have remained interesting. Every year we try to play with them. I already said, the relationship is excellent, “commented Indias. Nevertheless, the clubs have not yet made the appointment or schedule official.