Terelu Campos starred on Sunday one of the most tearful moments of the newly released new edition of Survivors. María Teresa Campos’s daughter broke up remembering the two breast cancer diagnoses she received a few years ago. A bad drink that, despite his good outcome, the contestant of the reality You will never forget. Ana Rosa Quintana has spoken this Monday about it. In November 2021 he announced that he suffered breast cancer, returning to his position in Ana Rosa’s program Almost a year later.
“I never wondered why I had touched me, but why I had saved me”acknowledged Alejandra Rubio’s mother before her programmates. Excited from set, her daughter recognized that these words from her mother transferred her to a stage of her very complicated life for her. The one who was a presenter of Save me He shared his experience with a naturalness that contrasted with the hardness of his history. However, the emotion surpassed her by reliving it, causing tears in full direct.
In the video broadcast by Telecinco, Terelu recounted his fight against cancer with brutal honesty. “I had cancer in the right breast with a name and a last name. And a year after finishing the treatment, I almost diedbecause they tell me that I have another in the other breast and with another name and another last name, “he explained, detailing that he had to undergo a double mastectomy, a ten -hour intervention that marked his life. However, beyond the operation, it was the recovery that really put it to the test.
“The recovery was horrific. 100 % of the cells cannot take them away. It is impossible. I have review every six months. I have a relatively normal life,” he confessed. But normality, in these cases, always has a nuance. The shadow of cancer is still present in your life. And that’s why the emotion was inevitable when the video ended and the camera focused on it live. Visibly affected, he tried to contain tears, but he did not get it. “Nothing … I promised my daughter that she was not going to cry,” he said among sighs. “I hate.he said with determination.
“I am not a winner, or more fighter than anyone. I am like so many people who are seeing us, who have no more balls to fight, because you have no other,” he said with forcefulness. For her, the disease is not a battle that is won or lost. He does not consider that those who overcome cancer are stronger than those who, sadly, fail to beat it. “You can’t choose here, you do what they tell you and point. And from there, be relatively luck that what you ‘caught’ can be cured. It is already. That is why it is no more fighter who overcome it than the one who goes along the way. It is the same. He has not won the battle that stays above the one who leaves. It is not true. It doesn’t do me well “he said.
“It’s not good to get excited, it’s not good for me. It’s as if I had advanced and take three steps back. (…) I don’t want to live with fear and if I had to happen something, it will happen to me. I will not live with fear, I don’t want to,” he said firmly. His statement was a cry of freedom in the face of the uncertainty of life. “It is not in the hand of any of us, no matter how fear we have … however fear you will have to happen you will want it or not,”he sentenced.
Ana Rosa Quintana’s reaction
These statements have reached the set of Ana Rosa’s program, where the presenter has recognized the difficulty of assuming shock due to the disease. “There is a period in which it is inevitable to be afraid,” said the journalist. “But when it happens, each one makes their own decisions. She has done it and said it,” he said, without judging the way in which Carmen Borrego’s sister manages the memory of this painful stage. Máximo Huerta, meanwhile, has opined that sometimes you have to allow “being afraid.” “Nothing happens for it,” said the former Minister of Culture and collaborator of the Mediaset space.