Dzanan Musa: “I want to show that I am prepared to sacrifice everything to be at Real Madrid”


Real Madrid forward Dzanan Musa stressed on Monday that he wants to “demonstrate” that he is “prepared to sacrifice everything” to be at the white club, where he is “very happy” and where he wants to win “the maximum possible titles”.

“Of course, I had more offer, but I signed immediately and I’m very happy to have done it. I finished my Eurobasket on Wednesday, I arrived on Thursday, I trained on Friday and on Thursday I had my first game,” the Bosnian recounted in statements to ACB collected by Europe Press.

The player, who is averaging almost 16 points per game in his first season with the Whites, confessed to being “very happy” at Real Madrid. “The way they have welcomed me… I see myself here as long as possible. I see myself here winning as many titles as possible, it is my main objective. Nobody knows what will happen down the road, life is unpredictable, but I am very happy here,” he insisted.

“Real Madrid is a big club and I know that expectations are high, and I want to show it with actions, not just words, not just saying ‘I’m with Real Madrid’. I want to show that I’m prepared to sacrifice everything to be in this club, and for playing an important role in basketball for Real Madrid”, he acknowledged.

And his Croatian teammate, Mario Hezonja, who also arrived at Real Madrid this summer, has had a lot to do with his quick and fruitful adaptation. “We speak the same language, but it’s not just that. Our careers are similar, we both went to the NBA. We both generated a lot of expectations and it didn’t go the way we wanted, but everything happens for a reason,” he said.

“If that had worked we wouldn’t be at Real Madrid and I wouldn’t be so happy now,” said the Bosnian, who signed for Real Madrid this summer from Río Breogán, where he was MVP of the regular season.

Finally, Musa explained that he is “a very sensitive guy, even though people say” that he is “very arrogant”. “Lugo will always be in my heart, they accepted me as part of the family from day one and I am very grateful to his people,” he concluded.