The season in Second division barely adds up to five days, but doubts have already begun to shake the project of Jose Luis Marti in the Leganes. It is the consequence of a low number of points (six out of fifteen possible) and an irregular image in a team called to be one of the candidates for promotion. The end of October, with five tight matches in three weeks (three at home, two away) will be key to assess the future of this project (perhaps also from a bench) that, for now, transmits many more unknowns than certainties.
And some of those certaintiesFar from being positive, they delve into confusion. It is certain, for example, that the Leganes It is a team with a clear tendency to split in two. His system, more than the proclaimed 4-4-2 is a 4-2-4 in which the forwards and wingers do not come down to link with the rest of the block. Rivals take advantage of it by creating numerical superiority in the cucumber rear.
Also, when the Leganes he has the ball, he cannot govern as he would like. His attacks are based more on waves than regularity in possession and dominance on the contrary. A trend that is explained by the absence of midfielders and the overabundance of forwards.
Martí sings the mea culpa
There the direct responsibility is of Marti. At least that is what the coach himself admitted yesterday in the press room after falling to him. Girona. “Maybe it's time to ask myself if we have to play with so many offensive people or it is better to have more people in the center of the field to have more security, “he fired as soon as the appearance began.

LaLiga SmartBank
* Data updated as of October 12, 2020
“We believe that we have players with an offensive profile who can give us work. That they can come together and give us the defensive aspect ”, he continued before revealing that he also asks his offensive players to occupy spaces at the top rather than constantly withdraw.
“We are a team that wants to be as high as possible so as not to demand too much defensive work from the attacking players to recover the ball as high as possible. But it is true that when the opponent puts pressure on you and moves you long to promote that second play, and we do not retreat, it makes us suffer ”, he added.
Imbalance between attack and defense
It is true that the Leganes creates danger. In fact, so far this year it is the third team that finishes the most with 41 shots. But that offensive torrent lacks the aim that its forwards are supposed to. Yesterday, for example, they accumulated twelve shots, but only four were between clubs. None with a goal. A nonsense that in days of gray football deepens the desperation of the group and increases the defensive gap, the other great burden of the Blue and Whites.
Only on the first day, before Las Palmas, he Leganes managed to leave the goal to zero. Since then, he has always fitted in against rivals who were supposed in some inferior cases, as was the case with the newly promoted Cartagena and Castellón. Also before the Lugo. The only points in the Galician team belong to the victory they won against him Lega. Yesterday the same thing happened to Girona, which debuted in cucumber territory thanks to the only goal that the Catalans have scored so far.
He Leganes It is the 8th team that they finish off the most, with 40 shots against which six ended in a goal. At an average of 1.2 per game, above the average number of goals scored, which is a goal per game. Despite having one of the largest offensive fronts in Second, Lega has only scored five goals and three were concentrated in a single duel, against Cartagena. X-ray of irregularities that paint a canvas of insecurity. Doubts shake the Leganes.