Doubt and the dilemma of the Academy in Malaga

Málaga is still waiting for LaLiga to definitively sign its agreement with the CVC investment fund, which will report an amount over 40 million euros to the blue and white club. LaLiga forecasts suggest that the first payment to the clubs will take place before the end of the year, when CVC plans to pay 40% of the total amount of the agreement. It will be then when Málaga receives an important first income and when it will have to decide the next step of the Academy’s works.

The construction of the sports city is one of the great priorities of the project and a historical deficit that drags the entity, which These days there is debate between expanding the sub-phase that is currently being executed (collect two artificial grass fields) and add a natural grass field or take a turn with the CVC money and tackle the entire project.

Coat of Arms / Flag Málaga

Duda, director of the Academy, assured that this is the question that they handle at the club at this time during their visit to the program Malaguista Area from 101 TV: “At the beginning of the year we would have the sub-phase ready, but if that money arrives, What is being valued now is to put in three fields, two of artificial grass and one of natural grass, and then continue to do the work or, once we have the money, put our hands on everything and wait a year and a half more. This month we should have planned if we are going to be a year and a half or we are going to complete this first phase. I prefer to wait and get it right“.

Malaga must allocate 70 percent of the amount received by the agreement with CVC to improve its infrastructures and the full project of the Academy will require between 20 and 25 million. “Most of that 70% will go to the sports city But first, LaLiga must sign and authorize us the money, “added Duda, who acknowledges that the Academy’s works have slowed down after the announcement of the agreement with this international investment fund and given that dilemma that is currently being raised in the offices of La Rosaleda “With this LaLiga thing slowed down a bit,” he explained. The construction of the entire complex would last for “a year and a half (until the second half of 2023). We would have eight football fields. We could all go there“.

In addition to the eight football fields, several of them with natural grass, and another that will have dimensions of half a pitch, the project will include three seating areas, changing rooms, gyms, a large cafeteria, offices and a parking area. A modern complex that would give a spectacular boost to the club, the first team and, of course, the rest of the teams that make up the blue and white quarry, which to this day continue to train and compete in a dispersed way on the different football fields of the city .