“Don’t mess up my family life”

Carmen Borrego has already reacted to the signing of Gustavo ‘El Chófer’ by Fiesta with a rebuke to the program’s management for some controversial statements he made about her and her relationship with her son, José María Almoguera. “You were sitting with your sister, giving birth to José María, María Teresa’s favorite grandson. The two of you sat in a From Friday and they went against Jose”Gustavo said. Carmen denies having attacked her son on a television set and refers to newspaper archives and colleagues from the network to support her case.

“I think that getting involved in a family conflict like mine with my son says a lot about you. It’s a lie that I have given birth to my son on a set. Don’t get involved in my family conflicts, I’ve already suffered enough damage.”lamented the youngest daughter of María Teresa Campos this Monday in We’ll see. And he remembered: “I can go back even to when the audio recordings of my daughter-in-law came out, I never spoke badly of her or him”.

Carmen, indignant, warns the one who was like a son to her mother: “Don’t mess up my family life. I don’t speak ill of you.I respect you but I’m not going to talk about you. You caused me suffering and I do not cause suffering to the people I love“.

She says that she also has things to say but she does not do so out of respect for the memory of the Malaga journalist, who died in September of last year: “We can all talk about everyone or about things that my mother has said. Stop insinuating and talk about what you have to talk about. I have a clear and crystalline conscience.”.

Carmen, however, is particularly bothered by Gustavo saying that he did not help his mother financially during her toughest months: “To say that I have not taken care of my mother is another evil.I don’t have to give explanations. At times my sister has been more powerful and at other times I have. My sister and I have never had money problems and even less so with my mother. We would do it again a thousand times.“.

And he added, against him: “I think that many times, in these types of issues, insinuation is worse than telling. I am not going to speak badly of him because my mother would not like it. He knows very well what my mother would think.”.

Borrego, finally, recalled that he was the one who decided to leave his job shortly before María Teresa died, and without receiving compensation for 30 years of work: “It was he who left and we respect his decisions. And there are truths that can be justified with papers”he has sentenced, not without first reiterating: “He blocked me and he decided to leave”.
