Doña Letizia and María Chivite, contrast of style in Pamplona: a nuclear white guipure dress and a barbiecore pink

Pamplona celebrates its sixth centenary. First trip of the Kings in this course that has just begun. Felipe VI and Letizia preside over the commemoration of the 600 years of the Privilege of the Union, the document that united the City of Navarrería, the Burgo de San Cernin and the Town of San Nicolás in what today makes up modern Pamplona. It was this Friday, September 8.

A visit from the Kings that has arrived accompanied by controversy due to the absences among the authorities. María Chivite, president of the Government of Navarra, headed the reception committee that welcomed Felipe Vi and Letizia. Those absent, the eight councilors of the EH Bildu municipal group in the town hall; as well as the representatives of Contigo Navarra, Yolanda Díaz’s Sumar brand, made up of Podemos, IUN and independents, who have issued a note on their networks: “We refuse to attend the Union Privilege events in which the Kings”.

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa María la Real and the Pamplona City Hall are festive meeting points on this day.

In the seo of the Navarrese capital we have seen Doña Letizia with María Chivite, both in total contrast of looks. The Queen has chosen a nuclear white guipure dress. A romantic design, sleeveless and fitted to the body, with a flared skirt. She signs it Sfera. Meanwhile, the president has opted for the fashionable color, the barbiecore that has flooded the planet. A super flattering raspberry pink for a straight dress, with a V-neckline with mini ruffle detail.