Alves He has surprised this Monday with an enigmatic message that he has shared through his social networks. The current footballer of Sao
Paul Brazilian has posted a snapshot of his time in the Seville beside Cristobal
Soria, former delegate of the Seville team and current collaborator of the television program ‘He
Along with the image, in which we can see a Alves Unrecognizable, the ex sevillista has shared the following text: “As the saying goes: THE GOOD SON ALWAYS COMES HOME!” he wrote.
Is it a nod to Seville? Is its return to Nerve? The reality is that those of Julen
Lopetegui they are somewhat lame in the right-back position, where they only have the veteran Jesus
Navas (35 years) and with Aleix
Vidal, ruled out at the beginning of the season by Lopetegui and the one the Basque coach is having to throw away when the world champion with Spain in 2010 he has some physical setback.
Converted into a midfielder at 37 years old
At 37 years of age, Alves has played 22 complete matches of the Brazilian championship this season with the Sao
Paul, missing only seven: five of them due to a fracture in his forearm and two due to the accumulation of yellow cardboard. Most of these games have been played as a midfielder or as a playmaker.