Desperate Lourdes Ornelas: Camilín from bad to worse with alcohol and partying with her ex, Christina Rapado

If the state of Camilo Blanes It was already unfortunate, the visit from his ex-girlfriend, Chistina Shaved, who since midday this Saturday has come to visit him with alcohol, has only made the situation worse. The son of Camillus Sextus He has recorded new videos with the young woman in a pitiful state, and he has been seen naked in the garden accompanied by Rapado, who was carrying drink cans in his hand. Camilin’s mother Lourdes Ornelas He doesn’t want Christina around: “He’s taking advantage of my son’s status.”

The Mexican is horrified. After spending the whole week accompanied by a lawyer looking for a way to stop the debacle of her son, instead of finding help she has come across companies that can sink Camilo even more and take advantage of the psychological state of Camilo. she.

Read also: The intrahistory of the wig of the son of Camilo Sesto that has us so worried

In the early hours of this Saturday, Blanes once again posted photographs with dark circles under his eyes, dressed in an animal print hat and with a strange message: “Here, with sounds on the roof.”

The program Fiesta He has put a reporter at the door of the Torredolones chalet who has been able to see how Camilo’s ex-girlfriend, Christina Rapado, came to the home with a bag full of bottles and cans of alcohol around 12 in the morning, and not long Later, he began to post videos of both of them on the networks that showed the unfortunate state of Camilo Sesto’s son.

The young man’s mother, Lourdes Ornelas, has decided to intervene live on the Mediaset program, seeing that the space showed deep concern and maintained vigilance to denounce her son’s condition. The responsible reporter has even been able to recount how the young man had walked through the bare garden and followed closely with Rapado who had a drink in his hand.

“I am scared to see that this person is at Camilo’s house, knowing the state he is in, I am horrified to see that this woman arrives with bottles of alcohol at my son’s house when I try to take care of him as much as I can,” she said desperately. Ornelas, and continued: “My son is walking around the house naked and she is making videos of him, I have to constantly get people out of there, including Camilo Sesto’s fans, my son doesn’t even know what he’s doing because I’m sure that tomorrow he won’t even remember what he did, it’s clear that my son needs help and we’re trying as hard as we can, this is super exhausting”.

According to the Mexican, what Christina intends with this visit, “is for me to go in to cause a scandal but I’m not going to do it, I’m very close observing what happens in that house, from here I’m seeing her walking around the house and Camilo following her naked like a puppy, I am in contact with my lawyer, because I believe that something can be done to stop this type of person”.

Read alsoCamilín hits networks without teeth, among garbage and ‘turned’ into a woman: her mother seeks a legal solution to her condition

Lourdes is horrified. The problems come back, but they have worsened during the past week, when Camilín has published worrying nighttime photographs on his Instagram account in which he characterized himself as a woman with a wig that his father used in his day, and with an app network filters, in which he showed his physical deterioration, his jagged and black teeth and the garbage that rolled in the kitchen of his house.