Del Bosque: “If we have a healthy dressing room, we get closer to success”

The former national soccer coach defends his philosophy of “convincing” instead of “imposing” to achieve goals


Former national soccer coach Vicente del Bosque explained the keys to his great achievements when managing a group of players, and stated that, with “a healthy dressing room” and a “healthy work environment”, success is closer, and that “we must convince instead of imposing”.

“If we have a healthy wardrobe, a healthy work environment, we are closer to success. To do this, we must build a business strategy that is committed to inclusive leadership,” said Del Bosque at a meeting of the #CEOPorLaDiversidad Alliance promoted by the Adecco foundations and CEOE held at the Genoa Financial Club in Madrid.

In addition to his group management and professional success, Vicente del Bosque participated for his social work, where he has become a benchmark and has received great awards, especially focused on inclusion.

In the conference, in addition to representatives of the 82 companies that are part of the Alliance, the president of the Adecco Foundation, Enrique Sánchez; its general director, Francisco Mesonero; and the president of the CEOE Foundation, Fátima Báñez, among other authorities.

Enrique Sánchez valued the presence of the former national football coach and his abilities. “Vicente del Bosque is a benchmark personality not only in the sports field, but also in the social sphere, and from whose experience leading teams we can draw very valuable conclusions that can be extrapolated to the business world, which will help us to continue advancing in a leadership that embraces individual differences as an indisputable engine of growth and wealth for any organization”, he assured.