De Vrij goes back to link up with Barça

After propping up the lead in this winter market, and with the great goal of signing Erling Haaland next summer, the technical secretariat is already working to strengthen the other team positions for next year, with very clear needs: a right back, a left back, a midfielder and a central defender.

As reported by MD, the Barça club has several operations in progress, such as the Azpilicueta, Kessie or Grimaldobut it would be necessary to specify the central one, with Christiensendefense of Chelsea, as one of the objectives because the contract also ends on June 30. From Italy they point out that the Barça contacted the central Inter Stefan de Vrij. According to the portal FC Inter Newsrepresentatives of the Barça club have contacted the Dutch defender’s agent to find out about his situation. DeVrij, 30 years old, His contract with Inter ends on June 30, 2023.

The same information details The free is in full negotiations with the Inter to renew his contract, but for now the Italian team’s proposal does not convince the Dutch defender. It is not the first time that the name of The free is linked with the Barça. In fact, the Barça club has already tried to include its name in the operation for the transfer of Arturo vidalbut the ‘neroazurro’ leaders then refused to negotiate.

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