David García, looking forward to the next phase

Osasuna's staff has ended the work week in the Tajonar facilities in a training that has again taken place according to all the established protocols. David García affirmed that despite the unusual situation they are experiencing: “The feelings are being quite good. The first day cost us a little more, something logical after so many days at home. You think you are training well, but then you get to Tajonar and after doing four exercises you are drowned. But as the week has gone by, the feelings are good. “

The Navarrese defender assured that he was happy for the return to work in Tajonar: “I'm very happy. I've seen all my colleagues again and people are responding very well to workloads so the 'prepa' comments. We are looking forward to the next phase. It is good to be able to get together with the comrades, even if it is by groups and to be able to do more specific party, block actions. “ As for the personal, he stated: “I am happy because during the quarantine I decided to do a pretty intense job and try to come back better, although it is complicated. I have trained every morning and afternoon. Now we have to finish putting ourselves one hundred percent. “

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