David Flores no longer lives with Olga Moreno: the final break?

New Year New Life. That is what the Flores-Moreno family must have thought, which has carried out a great change in their day-to-day life: david flores He has packed his bags and has left forever what until now was his home and which he shared with Olga Moreno and his sister Lola. The young man, who needs company and care, will live with his father in an apartment that Anthony David he has rented for himself and his daughter Lola, whose custody he shares with his ex-wife. The days that the girl is with her mother, the former civil guard will take the opportunity to travel to Madrid and be with Martha I canso that David will stay with his sister Dewwho lives with her boyfriend, Manuel Bedmar.

Also read: Antonio David stands up for Olga Moreno and scolds Marta Riesco

According to Diego Arrabal, the change would have been an initiative of Olga Moreno, who wants to have more time for herself and less responsibilities. He also adds that David has also traveled to the capital with his father and shared a roof with Marta Riesco, with whom he gets along wonderfully. In fact, it seems that the family has ironed out some rough edges with the reporter from Fiesta and just two weeks ago they were united and happy in Madrid. Antonio David, Marta, David and Rocío prepared a splendid birthday party for little Lola. They also enjoyed a visit to Warner Park and the WAH show.

Olga, for her part, is happy with the representative Augustine Etienne, which became her greatest support after her divorce from Antonio David. According to Save methe businesswoman is determined to fight for this new relationship and is even thinking of moving to Madrid, also moving her clothing store, to be closer to her lover.