The family of the ‘triumph’ has lived 30 hours of uncertainty and anguish after the disappearance of Jose Mariawho was found alive this Wednesday thanks to the Civil Guard in Roquetas de Mar. After the happy ending, his brother David Bisbal has resorted to social networks to thank all the support received in this very complicated situation: “I want to express my deepest gratitude to all the people who collaborated in the search and location of my brother Josemari”.
The man from Almeria has confessed that “thanks to the collaboration of the Civil Guard, National Police and Local Police and the collaboration of citizens we have been able to find him missing after 30 hours, and now he is hospitalized, but stable”. The artist reveals that it has been “a moment of maximum tension for our entire family, thanks for the concern and the expressions of affection”. Bisbal took the opportunity to ask for “respect for the privacy of my brother and the family, since it has been a delicate and emotional situation for all of us.”

The Civil Guard has located this Wednesday José María Bisbal Ferre, 54 years old and the singer’s brother, at around 1:00 p.m. in a house in Roquetas de Mar after a complaint was made late this Tuesday at a post from the same locality his disappearance. Sources from the Civil Guard and others close to the investigation confirmed the appearance as well as that it was necessary to request an ambulance in order to transfer the man to a health center and test his state of health.

Apparently, Josemari has been fighting depression for months, caused by work and personal problems. Some sources indicate that it was his wife who filed the disappearance report when she saw that her husband did not return after a strong argument that they had and that apparently led them to break up their marriage. Josemari himself, before his disappearance, wrote this message on social networks: “You have disappointed me, Lupe, when you came home desperate and crying from work because of your boss’s mistreatment, I listened to you and understood, not only that, but also I looked for alternative work for you. Now I am the one who is having a bad time at work and the only thing you tell me is that tomorrow each one his way, well each one his way…”.