Darder’s advice: “One enjoys being a child more than now”

Sergi Darder cares little about being in front of the goalkeeper in the middle of a full stadium than against Espanyol’s Alevín B. He is always clairvoyant, with and without the ball. The Majorcan has shared a chat with the parakeet base football players, who have been able to ask their idol their concerns as children in the process of training who dream of one day reaching the RCDE Stadium. The Majorcan was clear to them: “We were 50 in the residence, I think only two or three made it to First Division.”

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The midfielder, who began as a striker emulating his idol Fernando Torres (“I combed my hair like him”), gave them several pieces of advice, vital at such a momentous age to develop character. “The bases are created when they are small”, Darder started. “Then everything comes out on its own, you have to make an effort every day. As a child I was frustrated and I saw myself as worse than I was, but it shouldn’t be like that. Sometimes things work out and others don’t. I used to get angry when I failed, but over time you learn to live with failure“said Artà.

The most regular player of the season at Espanyol threw them another golden piece of advice. Soccer continues to be a game where the purpose is to have fun, and more so in a formative age. For this reason, Darder is clear: “I enjoyed it more when I was little than now. What is now is a prize. You have to take advantage, I would like to be little again and enjoy. Do not think of the afterlife. When time passes, you will remember that you will want to be small again, “she said.

Darder’s career aroused curiosity. They asked him about his arrival in Barcelona when he was just 13 years old and about his time at Olympique de Lyon. Two difficult moments, especially the first. “When I was 13 years old I came here alone. I was in the residence. When I was in Mallorca I got good grades, then not so much. Here I was alone and had a bad time, and sometimes I cried”, finished off.

More mature, he went to France, but the adaptation was also not easy despite traveling with his partner. “At the beginning it was difficult. I knew that I would play in the Champions League, that there would be level players, but the first four months I had a hard time. I played little, the league was physical, but then everything went very well. I learned a new language”he valued, while also at a football level he met the best player he has played with: “Fekir, he was very good. Here we have RdT, but Fekir was the one you enjoyed the most.”