Daniel Sancho's lawyer accuses the Thai lawyers: “They hid documentation from us, they wanted life imprisonment”

There are four months left until the trial of the son of Rodolfo Sancho in Thailand and things get complicated. This Thursday, Marcos García Montes has pointed directly to the Thai lawyers who advised Daniel for his malpractice. The police have not been spared either, whom they criticize for having leaked information about the case to the press.

The lawyer, hired by the actor to defend his son from Spain, has offered some forceful statements, the most resounding to date, in which he explains one of the first twists in the case: why they requested the replacement of the first two lawyers. Thais appointed to defend Daniel. “The first lawyer we had hid from us, for example, that he had copies of the procedure and did not advise Daniel well. The second did not even speak to our client and left the first meeting saying that he was going for life imprisonment.”. They are happy with the third lawyer, the one who currently represents his client: “he is working honestly, a public defender who shares Spain's theses.”

García Montes is sure that the murder of Edwin Arrieta It was not premeditated, as the Thai prosecutor's office claims, and they assure that they themselves, with their leaks, have provided the keys to defend the involuntary or accidental homicide: “There are three turning points in the case. On August 21, the police , who has continually been leaking secrets, leaks that there has been a fight and that is the end of the premeditation. Subsequently, the chief prosecutor of that area appears, who says about the fight and points out that Daniel will come to Spain when he serves a third of his life. sad. Then this character appears, Big Joke, who leaks everything to the press and no one understands that they take Daniel to dinner at a restaurant,” he said in We'll see.

Some statements that the Thais will not like, very upset with the Spanish media and experts for questioning their procedures. For example, not having protected the crime scene or not offering Daniel a translator during the interrogation: “That is unthinkable in Spain.” Rodolfo Sancho himself and his representatives asked for more discretion from the press: “All this is going to harm Daniel. In Thailand they work like this and we have to respect it,” said Carmen Balfagón.

García Montes, however, faces the trial calmly: “We examined all the prosecutor's evidence and it is clear that there is no premeditation, only reckless homicide that would be sentenced to eight or ten years according to the Thai criminal code,” he assured. . “We believe in this court and justice leads us to reckless homicide or a causal relationship to this accident.”