Daniel Sancho is not admitted to the harsh Kho Samui prison: he is transferred there daily for interrogations

Last hour of the crime of Edwin Arrieta. Daniel Sancho has never been admitted to the Kho Samui prison. Apparently, and from the first moment, the Spanish chef remains in another prison, from where he travels every day to the aforementioned prison. That is where he is questioned by the police and that is where he has met with his mother, Silvia Bronchalo. This circumstance has been revealed by On everyone’s lipswho cites Big Joke, the policeman who takes charge of the case, as a source.

The crime of Edwin Arrieta, moreover, enters a new phase after the details of the autopsy report have been known. The Colombian surgeon died after being slit by the chef, son of actor Rodolfo Sancho. This was revealed by the number two of the Thai Police, Surachate Hakparn, who directs the investigation of the crime committed on August 2. His mother, Silvia, who has gone to the Koh Samui prison on several occasions, has had a few words for the Arrieta family.

A crime for which the Thai police have requested the death penalty for the confessed author. His mother, who does not leave his side, has spoken words of serenity about his condition, such as that Daniel was “calm” and that he was “much better” after the first days in prison. A version that the director of the center has rectified. After the isolation by Covid protocol, the director of the prison, Watcharapong Boonsaio, has commented that Sancho, “mentally”, is not “well”. And he has added: “he seems depressed”.

Silvia, who since her arrival in Thailand has been very concise in her statements, has been approached by a Colombian media outlet, which has urged her to send a message to the victim’s family. “I will do it personally”, has been her forceful reaction.