Dani Molina wins the gold medal in the PTS3 class of the Paris 2024 triathlon

PARIS, 2 Sep. (by EUROPA PRESS special correspondent Ramón Chamorro) –

Spanish triathlete Dani Molina has managed to give the national delegation at the Paris Paralympic Games its sixteenth medal this Monday by winning gold, fourth in the event, in the PTS3 category for athletes with physical disabilities.

The Madrid native, finally making his debut at the Games in this sport, has earned this gold medal in his magnificent running race. After finishing the bike segment in third position, he quickly made up for almost a minute’s disadvantage to become champion and was able to celebrate his triumph at the finish line, where HM Queen Letizia was also present, supporting the triathletes this morning.

In the wheelchair category, Eva Moral, also from Madrid, came close to repeating her bronze medal from three years ago in Tokyo after finishing in fourth place, just seven seconds from the podium.