He Sports He already has his first loss after confirming the descent to Second B. Dani Giménez will not continue in the Coruñés club despite the fact that he had earned the automatic renewal should he continue in professional football. According to the Riazor.org portal, negotiations to continue in the bronze category have not come to fruition and the 37-year-old meta will look for another team in which to continue his career.

Dani Giménez was the first signing of Carmelo Del Pozo when the former sports director took the reins of the Blue and White club. The goal had been one of the weak points of the team and his arrival, due to seniority and lack of continuity in recent campaigns, raised some doubts that he himself was in charge of dispelling. In his two years in A Coruña he has been indisputable, playing practically everything, managing to close the debate under sticks and going down in the history of Depor as the goalkeeper with the most consecutive games in the League. This course has not been able to maintain the outstanding level of last year, largely due to a pubic injury that has accompanied it in recent months.
Complete remodeling in the goal
The departure of Dani Giménez definitely confirms the complete reform of the goal that Richard Barral will have to do. Jovanovic left after his loan and the club permanently transferred Francis Uzoho. Right now, Fernando Vázquez only has at his disposal two goalkeepers from the quarry: the youthful Alberto and Pablo Brea.