Dani Ceballos of the positive in COVID-19

MADRID, 14 Apr. (SportsFinding) –

Real Madrid player Dani Ceballos has tested positive for COVID-19, as reported by the merengue club in a statement published on Thursday night.

The international midfielder, who did not train in the morning session with his teammates, remains in doubt for this Sunday’s visit to Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán, based on a possible negative given that he is fine.

Ceballos is Real Madrid’s second coronavirus casualty in the last week after Jesús Vallejo, who did not play against Chelsea in the Champions League. A week before, it was Carlo Ancelotti who was unable to travel to Vigo for the same reason.

However, until the positive from the Italian coach, Real Madrid had spent almost four months without a case. The last one had been Luka Modric in the past month of December.