One more year, The Higher Sports Council has had to mediate between the Spanish Football Federation and LaLiga for the calendar of the next season. In the end, José Manuel Franco, president of the CSD, manages that both parties reach an agreement and LaLiga will start the weekend of August 15, as the clubs wanted.
The employer, after reaching a prior agreement with the AFE players union, presented a calendar proposal to the RFEF that it rejected. Two were the reasons for disagreement. The first was the start of the season, LaLiga wanted the weekend of August 15, as it will finally happen, and the RFEF later. The other conflict was in the Cup final. The Federation wants that weekend to be exclusively reserved for that match and not be shared with a League match, as it happened this year. given the tight schedule. In the end, LaLiga had to give in at this point and the weekend that the Cup final is played, no other game will be played.
Another feature of the next season's calendar, as AS already mentioned, is that the Christmas holiday period is extended to give the players more rest. It is established that the last day will be played on December 21-22 and the competition will not resume until the new year. Of course, that day after Christmas will have to be with matches between geographically close teams (a condition that will be entered for the calendar draw). In addition, the Spanish Super Cup is held for January, a month in which there will also be a stoppage of national teams.