CSD and the Department of National Security organize the first ‘Security and Sports Forum’ in Madrid


Nearly fifty representatives of federations, the Spanish Paralympic Committee (CPE) and the High Commissioner for the Fight against Child Poverty have participated this Wednesday in Madrid in the ‘Security and Sport Forum: The importance of sport in safeguarding Security Nacional’, organized by the Higher Sports Council (CSD) and the Department of National Security (DSN).

This meeting, held at the CSD headquarters, is part of the activities of the National Security Culture Forum, created in the Council of Ministers in May and which brings together various ministries, public bodies and civil society groups, including the CSD.

Its fundamental objective is to propose initiatives to increase social awareness of the importance of national security in our daily lives and joint responsibility when preserving it.

“Sport is, and must be, a tool to favor the construction of safe societies where peaceful coexistence and social well-being are guaranteed”, said the Secretary of State for Sport, José Manuel Franco, during the opening of the forum.

“Citizens and all associations in the sports field must be partners in this process of prevention, anticipation, analysis and reaction to challenges, risks and threats.”

Likewise, the president of the CSD has been “proud” of the “great international prestige” that Spain enjoys in the organization of “totally safe” sporting events.

The central axis of the Security and Sports Forum has been the presentation of General Miguel Ángel Ballesteros, director of the DSN, expert in geopolitics, security strategy, international conflicts and prevention of terrorism.

General Ballesteros has outlined the concept and components of the national security system, as well as the main current threats and the strategy to protect it.

“National security is a matter of values; and sport, in addition to the educational system, is surely the best channel we have to transmit those values,” said the director of the DSN.

Likewise, Ballesteros recalled that “the first axis of the national security system is to protect citizens and people’s lives.” “And sport is absolutely related to health. As is the second axis: the prosperity and well-being of society, to which sport also contributes enormously,” he added.

During the forum, the participants also analyzed aspects such as the joint candidacy of Spain, Portugal and Ukraine for the 2030 World Cup and their contribution to peace on the European continent; the relationship between national security, citizen health and the qualification of sports professionals; and the management of cybersecurity in small organizations, among others.