CPLV Munia Panteras and Molina Sport, champions of the Copa de la Reina Iberdrola and the Copa del Rey 2024


CPLV Munia Panteras won the Iberdrola Queen's Cup this Sunday, beating HCR Cent Patins 1-4 in the grand final, while Molina Sport ACEGC beat Caja Rural CPLV (6-5) at the Ángel Nieto Pavilion in Zamora.

The Panthers won the Cup 12 years later, the fourth in their record, after a final that was pucellan from the beginning, where they took the lead through Ana Sierra, world and European champion with the Spanish team and best athlete of the year by the Royal Spanish Skating Federation (RFEP). The rest of CPLV's goals came in the second half.

For its part, Molina Sport won its second title of the season after the Spanish Super Cup in an impressive final that was decided with a golden goal from Dani Guitérrez, MVP of the final. Meanwhile, Lucía Moreno, from HCR Cent Patins, was the MVP of the Copa de la Reina Iberdrola.