Courtois does not forget the setback and promises a reaction

Thibaut Courtois, Belgian international goalkeeper for Real Madrid, he asked for trust in Real Madrid before leaving his team, after being thrashed by Barcelona in the Clásicolaunching a message with optimism remembering the good position they are in to win big titles.

Photo de Courtois

“Yesterday was a sad day, but we are a team. Win or lose, we do it together and we will react in the same way. I know it’s still painful to think about it and ask for it, but trust that this team will give everything to win the titles we have at stake“Courtois wrote on his official Twitter account.

Along with an image of the numerous saves in a match in which he was the best of his team and still received four goals, Courtois tried to turn around the pessimism that was left by the win at the Santiago Bernabéu. “We are in the best position to do it and we are Real Madrid, we must live up to history and you madridistas. Now more than ever, Hala Madrid”sentenced.