Coudet: “I see a commitment to try to generate a change”

The Argentine Eduardo Coudet, coach of Celta Vigo, did not hide his satisfaction with the victory of his team against Atlético Osasuna (3-1), and noted that he sees “a commitment” to try to generate a change for the future.

“Mathematically it has not yet given us, but we took a very important step. We played a very good game against a very tough opponent, we generated quite a few situations. The rival got into the game with the penalty play when we could have played more calmly and with the spaces in favor. Nevertheless, we don't suffer much ”, stated.

“I see a commitment to try to generate a change in the club, I see the players, the board and its president very committed in that line. When you can line up a bunch of things, everything can be routed and make things easier “, he stressed.

The celestial coach complained about the performance of Rioja Soto Grado because “Osasuna entered the game for a play that doesn't seem like anything, it seemed to me that they both jumped and both raised their arms ”.

“That Iago makes a penalty jumping to head and that on top of that he takes a warning seems to me a double punishment. They say that Nolito's offside was due to his forehead and the other day they annulled us another due to his shoulder. If it's fair, it's fair, ”he added.

Coudet assumes that Celta He will play his tenth consecutive season in the elite, but he did not want to talk about future goals because “I don't know what is going to come, football is very dynamic, you don't know which players are going to be there, nor if you are going to be there yourself.”