Coronavirus Italy: How they live locked up at home by the coronavirus Borja Valero and his family | The spar

The situation in Italy after the crisis unleashed by the coronavirus has forced Giuseppe Conte, Transalpine Prime Minister, to make the determination to isolate the entire country.

Borja Valero, a footballer for Inter Milan, is in quarantine after playing a closed-door game against Juventus last Sunday and met days after Daniele Rugani, Juve's central defender, tested positive for Coronavirus.

This Wednesday Rocío Rodríguez, a Spanish journalist and a couple from Borja, recounted the situation in El Larguero with a testimony that has left all listeners of the program frozen. “We can leave the house only for three reasons: work, medical reason or to make the purchase, for the rest you cannot leave. The only exception you can go out is for your dogs to relieve themselves. There are police officers outside and they make you sign a certificate where you put all the data and everything you are going to do, so they can control you. If you skip quarantine there are even jail fines. “

Rocío told us about the feeling of people in Italy, a town very similar to Spanish in terms of way of being. “More than fear, what you notice is a kind of sadness. In Italy people are like in Spain, we are very sociable people, in contact with people. And now if you cross someone, there has to be a distance of a minimum of one meter, you look bad … doubts as to the neighbor … psychologically it is being a little hard. “

He also told us how incredible it is right now to be on the streets of Milan. “The silence is deafening, really. Especially in the last two days after the last decree, the most restrictive. It is a sadness that you say will it happen soon? Will this really do any good? Because it is that the feeling is of not knowing, of uncertainty, of not seeing the end because everything is getting worse. You don't see the end of the tunnel. “

He also told us how Borja Valero is. “Okay, he has no symptoms. Following Rugani's positive they are in a kind of quarantine. Either player cannot go out for absolutely nothing. They can not go out or buy, or the doctor … he right now nothing, if he needs something I have to go out. He has colleagues who do not have his wife with them and they have to request everything online and they will be alone for 15 days. “

Finally, he sent a message to the Spanish to make them aware of the situation. “I am not a doctor, what I know is that the only way to stop it and that the figures really decrease is to stay at home. Let's really help by staying at home. I have told my family, do not go to the places where There are a lot of people. The more we help that, the better. And we really do not exaggerate, I am not an alarmist. At first I was not afraid of this virus and now I am one of the first to stay home, I do not go out and I accept everything they tell me“.