Corinna Larsen: the producers of the podcast against King Juan Carlos reveal how much the ‘princess’ has earned

The eight podcasts in which the German businesswoman will relate her relationship with the emeritus They have caused quite a stir. So much so that those responsible for the project have sent a statement this Thursday to clarify some points. For example, the consideration that the protagonist has received for such statements.

Also read: Corinna assures that she organized King Felipe’s impressive honeymoon (and reveals who paid for it)

“The content studio has no contractual relationship with Corinna zu-Sayn Wittgensteinnor has any economic compensation been made to him”, they have assured Tom Wright y Bradley Hope, Pulitzer Prize finalists and creators of the ‘Corinna and the King’ project. In addition, they clarify that the fact that the release date (November 7) coincides with the hearing in the Court of Appeals of the High Court of England and Wales of the case for harassment against the King Juan Carlos by Corinna is a mere coincidence: “The launch date of the podcast has been selected so that its broadcast is completed before Christmas. At no time has it had any relationship with other aspects beyond the control of the producers or promoted by third parties “.

On the other hand, they affirm that the former close friend of the emeritus has not participated in the selection of “content, participants or themes” of the eight podcasts of ‘Corinna and the King’ and insist that it is an independent project of Wright and Hope, produced by Project Brazen and PRX.