Controversy in networks with Itziar Ituño (La casa de papel) after participating in a demonstration in favor of ETA prisoners

Itziar Ituño, Lisbon in the Netflix series, occupies the top positions of X trends this Tuesday after participating in a demonstration in favor of ETA prisoners. Brands have distanced themselves from the actress, which has generated a great debate on social networks.

The Basque Country and Navarre dealer BMW Lurauto has released a statement: “We are writing to you regarding a decision that affects our collaboration with the actress Itziar Ituño. At BMW Lurauto we are not linked to any political ideology, so we regret that The image of BMW Lurauto has been linked to any type of act with ideological content, since we reaffirm our commitment to diversity, inclusion and respect for 100% of society.

Iberia, for its part, has removed from its website and social networks the campaigns in which the protagonist of Privacy.

Around 20,000 people participated in the demonstration that took place on Saturday in Bilbao, according to data provided by the Municipal Police. The protesters asked that the ordinary prison policy be applied to ETA prisoners and that their progression to third degree or permits not be appealed.

The actress was behind a banner that read “Konponbiderako Giltzak” (Keys to resolution). The former Athletic soccer player Endika Guarrotxena, the historic leader of the Abertzale left José Luis Elkoro and spokespersons for the Sare collective also participated. The call also had the support of the parties EH Bildu, Elkarrekin Podemos, Junts, ERC, CUP and BNG, the Catalan independence entities ANC and Ómnium and the nationalist unions of Euskadi.

It must be remembered that in 2017, before the premiere of The Money Heist, social media users tried to boycott the series due to the actress' participation in it. The hashtag #BoicotLaCasaDePapel was created after Ituño signed a manifesto in favor of bringing ETA prisoners to prisons in the Basque Country. The interpreter also participated in a video condemning the dispersion of the terrorist group's prisoners and in an event paying tribute to Arnaldo Otegi organized by Sortu. However, the series premiered on Antena 3 with complete normality and was internationally successful when it made the jump to Netflix. In 2018, the fiction won the International Emmy Award in the Best Drama category. Currently, Ituño also participates in Berlinthe spin-off of the robbers series with the character played by Pedro Alonso as the protagonist.