Competition considers Alcorcón lost its match against Zaragoza

The RFEF Competition Committee has agreed this Wednesday consider Alcorcón lost due to improper alignment of the match against Zaragoza of the fourth day of the SmartBank League played on October 3 and ended with the result 0-0.

In accordance with article 76.1 of the current disciplinary code, “Competition sanction Alcorcón” with the loss of the match corresponding to matchday 4 of the Second Division National League Championship, played on October 3, 2020, by improper alignment, and declare Real Zaragoza the winner of the match with the result of 3-0; imposing on the offender an ancillary fine in the amount of 6,001 euros, in application of the provisions of section 2.a) of said precept “.

In its resolution, the committee indicates that on October 5, Zaragoza made a complaint letter for an alleged improper alignment of Alcorcón in the match on the fourth day.

Zaragoza states that Alcorcón “violated Article 223, Point 2, of the Chapter The Alignment of Footballers in Matches, of the Current General Regulations of the Royal Spanish Football Federation and, of the Competition Bases, General Provisions, Tenth Stipulation , Alignment of Footballers of Circular number 4 of the current 2020/2021 sports season, since for 9 minutes he lined up 5 players from the Subsidiary team o Dependent, therefore being during the time indicated with only 6 players from the Main Team ”.

In its legal foundations, Competition understands that in accordance with article 76.1 of the current disciplinary code, “the club that improperly aligns a footballer for not meeting the regulatory requirements to participate in a match, will be sanctioned with the loss of the match” and that the opponent will be declared “the winner with the score of three goals to zero, unless a higher score has been obtained (which is not the case)”.

Competition adds that “as stated by Real Zaragoza in its complaint document, the breach of the article is credited”, “because during part of the game (9 minutes, specifically) Alcorcón lined up five players from the subsidiary or dependent team, which means that during that time only six players from the main team were competing “.

Among other aspects, these regulations require that teams must be integrated, throughout the game, by at least seven footballers of those who make up the squad in which they are active. It also follows that if, for any reason, a team is made up of less than seven players from the main squad, this circumstance may be considered an improper alignment offense.

The committee adds that the Alcorcón “has recognized this infraction by means of a public statement, issued on October 4 after the conclusion of the meeting, without having formulated any claims to the contrary later. “

Ultimately, the offense would have been committed in this case regardless of how long that situation lasted. For them Competition agrees to lose the match to Alcorcón.

Between minutes 74 and 83, Alcorcón had five players with a subsidiary file on the pitch, exceeding the limit established by the competition regulations by one. The players who were on the field were Oscar Arribas (number 26), Iván Martínez 'Barbero' (27), Javier Castro (29), Samuel Sosa (30) and Juanma Bravo (34).

“As sports people we accept that to compete we have to do better, be able to avoid mistakes that are clearly avoidable and should not happen. In the same way, we understand that mistakes are part of life, and therefore of football. And that in the Alcorcón errors do not have a name or surname, but rather belong to all of us who make up the club, from the presidency to the rest of the employees. We are all right and we are all wrong, “said the club president at the time from Madrid, Iván Bravo, in a statement.

The Competition Committee emphasizes that against this resolution an appeal may be lodged with the Appeals Committee within a period of ten working days, counting from the one after the notification is received.

With this result, Zaragoza would go on to add seven points in the standings, while Alcorcón now have four.