Cofidis cyclist Rubén Fernández was run over while training for La Vuelta


Spanish cyclist Rubén Fernández (Cofidis) was run over on Saturday while training for La Vuelta, which starts next Saturday, in Sierra Nevada (Granada), although he did not suffer serious injuries, as confirmed by the Murcian athlete himself.

“Yesterday I was involved in a traffic accident while I was training. A vehicle ran a stop sign and ran me over, leaving me unable to react. Luckily, after undergoing all the medical tests, I can say that there are no serious injuries to regret, and this time it was just a scare,” he said on his official account on the social network X.

Fernández also stressed the importance of “respecting traffic rules” after the driver of the car that hit him had run a stop sign. “From here I want to remind you of the importance of respecting traffic rules. It is essential for our safety and that of everyone on the road. A hug to everyone and thank you very much for your constant support,” he concluded.