Claudio Chiappucci will run the Ancares Cycling Marathon on August 6


The Italian ex-cyclist Claudio Chiappucci, second in the 1991 and 1992 Giro and in the 1990 and 1992 Tour and runner-up in the world en route in 1994, will wear the number 1 bib for the third edition of the Ancares Cycling Marathon, which will cover the municipalities of Serra dos Ancares on Sunday August 6 with three routes of 48, 100 and 128 kilometers.

This was announced by the organizers at the official presentation in O Cebreiro, a village in the municipality of Piedrafita, in an act with the presence of the mayors of many of the municipalities such as As Nogais, Becerreá, Piedrafita, Cervantes and Navia de Suarna that the march will go through , in which Claudio Chiappucci will take over from Miguel Indurain, who wore the number 1 shirt in 2022.

The mayor of Piedrafita, José Luis Raposo, highlighted the importance of being able to present the test in O Cebreiro, an incomparable space from the landscape point of view and which, thanks to cycling, can spread the natural beauty of the region.

The first mayor of Navia de Suarna, José Fernández, stressed the role that Ancares has as “revulsive at the tourist and landscape level”. “Many cyclists come to train in this area and have done so since La Vuelta a España passed through here,” he said.

For Jesús Núñez, rector of As Nogais, the initiative represents a boost to the region because it allows “visualization of the area’s charms”. The vice president of the Provincial Council of Lugo, Efrén Castro, confessed that he was delighted to be starting the countdown of the third edition of the test.

A fan of cycling and a regular participant in the race, Castro confirmed his commitment to Ancares, a race that is already “on the calendar of all cyclists”, and which allows cyclists and pilgrims to coexist, regular protagonists in O Cebreiro for these dates.

From the organization of the test, the ex-cyclist Ezequiel Mosquera highlighted the fact that the race is talked about “in all cycling forums” and that it is available to anyone thanks to the three different options to participate.

The longest distance, 128 kilometres, will challenge the peloton to ascend the ports of Sete Carballos, A Pintinidoira, Vilasol and O Cebreiro. “Any of the ports exceeds 10 kilometers and that is why it will be important to regulate efforts to reach the final level in conditions,” Mosquera recommended.