Claudio Caniggia, father of a ‘Big Brother VIP’ contestant, could face 15 years in prison for alleged sexual abuse

Claudio Caniggia monopolizes the spotlight. Far from becoming news regarding his professional career as an athlete, the former soccer player has been prosecuted for an alleged crime of sexual abuse of his wife. Mariana Nannis.

The former model accuses him of forcing her in 2018, when they were both at the Faena hotel in Buenos Aires. Now, from the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Appeals of the Nations of Argentina they have rejected the arguments of Caniggia’s lawyers, where they assured that “crimes against sexual integrity must be reconstructed based on the circumstantial evidence available.” .

Given this setback in the courts, it is expected that the former Argentine player will be accused of “aggravated sexual abuse.” Therefore, the former footballer could face up to 15 years in prison.

Mariana Nannis’ statements

Mariana, who has three children in common with Caniggia (one of them is Claudio CaniggiaBig Brother VIP contestant) claims that the former soccer player forced him, hit him and threatened to kill him if he testified to police sources.

“He tried to have sexual relations with who was then his wife, so when she refused he told her: ‘I’m going to kill you, you son of a bitch’ and, after that, he hit her with his fist on her face that did not hit her, since she covered herself with her hands, until finally he hit her on the arms. After Nannis Silles told him that he was going to report him, the accused laughed and told him that he was ‘a friend of the boss. of the police’, and that ‘if you make a report your head is going to roll… if you leave through that door I will have you killed’, the car states.