Clara Chía listened to Shakira’s song alone and at dawn: the “sponcio” of ‘Twingo’

The young bride of Pique is one of the great victims in the new song of Shakira, Session 53. The Colombian artist not only launches missiles against the father of her children but also against Clara Chia, whom he underestimates and despises by comparing her to a Casio and a Twingo while she hints at being a Rolex and a Ferrari. In fact, the main criticisms against Shakira have gone in this direction: the objectification of a 22-year-old girl whom she ‘attacks’ from a privileged position of power.

Read also – Piqué’s father responds to Shakira with another hint: “Dancing with wolves”

This Thursday there has been no trace of Clara on the streets of Barcelona, ​​nor in the neighborhood where she lives with Gerard Piqué (who, by the way, is in the United States for work) nor in the company where she works, Kosmos. Her closest circle of hers has revealed that she heard the song the same morning of its release, from Wednesday to Thursday. That is to say, that the young woman already smelled the one that was coming on top of her and she did not want to wait to see the Trending Topic. Obviously, the comparisons and insinuations of the Colombian have not sat well at all: “He heard the song at dawn and after the spell, he managed to calm down”they have said in And now Sonsoles.

What should not have comforted the young Chía too much either is the massive reaction of support for Shakira on social networks. Not from her fans, but from familiar faces who have applauded the artist’s impudence, such as Chenoa, Aitana or Sara Sálamo. even the very Alejandro Sanz!